Will You Be The One?

Willie Torres Jr. wrote a blog “Be the one.” That phrase has been a part of my life since I spent a week with Al Denson (another bunch of fun stories) after he wrote the song “Be The One” and put out a video that I used quite a bit in mentoring leadership teens in Youth For Christ. That was 44 years ago. I still play and sing it from my own keyboard.

Yes, the video is a bit outdated in hairstyles and clothes, but not much else. The message could not be timelier. This well-done video is very much worth watching and the music worth listening to. Thanks, Al, for all the work you put into this as well as a great career and legacy.


Another Dimension

Last night I was the speaker for a church fish fry. I was supposed to tell some fishing stories, share some fishing tips and present a challenge for each individual to know where they stood in a relationship with God. I didn’t really know anyone. I quickly sized up the rough and tumble group and concluded that a relationship with God might be another dimension for at least some of them (Yep, I judged them, and told some of my tips and stories).

After I spoke, a man leaned both hands on the table by me. With a low voice he said, “I brought my fishing buddy here tonight. You said all the words he needed to hear”. The room was filled with people around tables talking in subdued tones with some good laughter now and then. I noticed the stark contrast. The beginning of the evening, leading up to the church fish fry, was full of loud boastful voices with some serious put-downs. The winds of thought had brought us as a group to another place. A good place. Another dimension of relationship. God was involved. “A miracle happened” I thought.

“Will your friend listen to those words?” I asked. His reply was immediate…”I’m going to find out”

Concerning many relationships, what we want to hear is often so different than what we need to hear. When we begin to talk about having a relationship with God, it’s like going to another dimension. Many will not go there. Those of us who have a right relationship with God experience the initial changes as well as the gradual transformed life. God’s agenda for us, as we walk with him, is becoming more like Jesus.

I’m still pondering the dynamics, from start to finish, of a small group of mostly guys at a church fish fry. It seemed the whole group went to another dimension, or at least stood by the opened portal-door. Yes, last night I observed the secret to world peace, in those finding personal peace with God. The church seemed more peaceful. As I walked out to find my car, 2 Corinthians 5:17 came to mind…“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation (as in new species) : old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new!

What a fun evening. New friends, good food, lots of stories and laughter, God moved in people’s lives. I’m quite familiar with this dimension in everyday life. Another dimension? Only if a relationship with God is not a part of your everyday life.

…Sigh, I just realized I forgot to tell my big fish, no net, from a canoe on 10 lb test-story….huh


Navigating Faith –Life’s Rock Face

The young family gathered around the two old warriors. Journey stories over decades of navigating life surrendered to circled arms. Three little mighty boys, mom and dad prayed-pleaded-beaconed wellness-watch-over Gamma-C and Pappa-G. Two more generations on the faith trail to life’s final rock face, encouraging upward and lifting weary spirits. Another toehold, a small place to rest and helping one another navigate upward. There’s life at the top of this rock face; all other faith-mountain tops only have bones. Those who climb them will add their bones. What if at the end of life, we find we have spent a whole life walking the wrong path? Spending time in meadows around pools, wandering the forest trails. Getting lost now and then. Finding one’s path through life and into death. Is there more? Seems right at the time.

Of all the objects of faith in existence, only one has overcome death. So, Gamma-C and Pappa-G follow Jesus. The risen one who infuses his life into his followers. It is a strange thing that happens as their physical life is ebbing, their eternal life’s footholds are more and more sure. As the lungs exhaust and the muscles weaken, their Spirit quickens. The top within reach. As their minds dim, their savior holds them. As time stops, eternity beacons in one last hand grasp. Arms encircle them.

“We pray, as a family, for you every evening…before we leave, we want to pray for you” What a special thing for these old warriors. How does one be so blessed? …is humbling.

“I am the resurrection and the life, the one who believes in me will live, even though they die.” (Jesus) John 11:25



Uh-oh, was the name of our handicapped daughters first doll. Poor dolly had a lot of those moments, so the expression stuck. Ironically, that was the same expression uttered by the attending doctor when our middle daughter was born. He quickly noticed the purplish bulb on her back containing the unfinished spinal column.

I uttered uh-oh 3 days ago while sawing firewood with the chain saw as I lost control of my legs and fell forward towards the running saw. My back had suddenly gone out of place and my limbs instantly quit working. Thankfully my thumb was by the shut off and the saw quit immediately.

After 3 days, I am finally able to walk with help. Actually, I call it the four-inch-sideways shuffle. My wife thinks we are dancing. This uh-oh is painful and slow healing. I am hoping to be able to get in a car and ride to a chiropractor this next week, which will be painful. I tell myself it’s a good pain. I tell myself I will go back to doing what I have been doing. Soon. Maybe. Have a look at some pictures of my doings in semi-retirement. Click to enlarge. I wish the fish got bigger that way…

My year has been filled with able bodied tasks, till now. Cutting and splitting firewood, cutting out wood plaques, making a covered home for the snowblower attachment to the skid steer, ice fishing, cleaning up the woods from dead standing and fallen trees, grilling, making jerky and planning more wilderness canoe treks. The list goes on. Those plans are on hold, if and until I get my body back to being able. I think I have been taking the able body thing for granted more than I thought. An accident-prone person ought to know better.

Meanwhile, I am getting claustrophobic in a body that can’t do anything or go anywhere, yet I am really good and content inside. My wife loves me, possibly too much for her own good (I chose well, we have grown well together). I’m accepting of the possibility that my life’s plans and even passions may take a back seat to reality. My wife and I talk of how many hard things have happened to us and also how much of our lives have been enriched and blessed in spite of the hard things. I see these tensions that seem to combat one another, how good they are and understand that all the contentment comes from many years of having a right relationship with God. No other explanation exists. I’m overwhelmed and good inside. I sometimes struggle with the right words or word pictures, but it’s important. How many people can get to be content inside themselves with this crazy upside-down world? I say we all could.

Everyone has a pail full of faith. Everyone’s pail seems to be a different size. Some have filled their pail with themself. Their opinions, learnings, education, perceived facts and experiences and whoever they may listen to in doing life. They may be labeled atheist, agnostic, or whatever, but they live by faith. Religious people live by faith. Some have a bucket full of beliefs, rules, people they follow and a perceived way to live like God wants them to believe and live. Much of the world is a combination of both. I would also dare to guess that many do not know what’s in their faith bucket, and some don’t care. We sit in a chair believing it will hold us up. In money some trust (if I could just go viral,,,) and life would go well.

The object of our faith is important. I know that I am not enough. I don’t belong in my faith bucket. Right now, I can’t walk across the room without help. Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.” He addressed the what’s in your faith bucket. Millions of books are written on why and how Jesus needs to fill our faith bucket while so many people stuff their faith bucket full of books and a bible that talks about it (ugh, there are so many ways to try to be God).

A part of eternity is lived here, day by day. Someday when we are gone from here, there will be a moment when we make eye contact with the king of kings. The one who died for our sins so we could be declared perfect to God. Will this king have that tinge of recognition in his eyes, or will we be seen as a stranger? He will only invite those he knows inside forever. It will be beyond important then, which makes it important now.

I still do not enjoy uh-oh’s, but in the context of life and where I’m sitting, I’m really doing well. My pail of faith may be the size of a mustard seed, but I want only Jesus in it. Whether I live in pain or die in luxury, I am really alive because of Jesus.

Her middle name is Joy.

37 surgeries,

some life flights, lots of pain.

A radiant smile. coincidence? I think not.


Some of you have a great Bible verse or passage, so post in comments.

Wintering The Soul: Get a Glint (2)

After 6 years…This post has a conclusion at the end. (Originally posted January 2018)

I ask a coworker friend often; “How is your wife doing?” Before saying anything past a long drawn out “OH,” and a sigh “you know”; there is a telling glint in his eye that means more than words.  A small deep glint at the core encrusted within weary, torn and sad eyes. The glint matches the smile on his face and humor held in check by 3 hours of sleep a night. “We pray for you often;” I say. “We know and feel it” he says, and we go about our work.

Sometimes there is a Bond of Brotherhood that defies depth and definition. Pain has hunted us down and we are fighting it together. Lots of people have pain. Awful pain. It’s normal to just survive it the best we can, hoping for better days. As hard as it is, there is more than just a dark side. There is a side that produces my coworkers steely eye glint. The Aurora Borealis of glints in an eye.

It’s a choice.

Pain, especially ongoing never-ending pain, causes people to pick a path. Some of us go numb for a while, retreating into a shell. We play the “poor me” card. Some wave a big flag and call attention to all their woes. Many cards are usually played here including the “send me money” card, and there is a whole deck of personal reaction cards. I want to tell you about our friends who live differently in their pain than most. I will call them Mr. and Mrs. B.

Mrs. B’s story (short version)

Mrs. B has had a degenerative disease for many years which has led to her body not working correct on many fronts. She is bedridden and can sit in a wheelchair sometimes when seeing doctors and such. Her pain is so bad she is chipping her teeth from clenching her jaw. A mouth guard is now needed. Her pain triggers a PTSD type situation where she does not recognize her husband for time periods. Mr. B is the main caregiver as well as husband and is totally committed to seeing her through. Mr. B has long hair and a long ponytail (from the old days) that he will never cut off as Mrs. B can only be convinced that Mr. B is really her husband as he has her grab his ponytail. He gets about 3 hours of sleep a night after keeping any sharp objects away from her. God, humor and friends keep them going, mostly God. I asked our company to hire him and let him leave and come back as often as he needs for his wife. Every company needs a Mr. B (for 100 reasons plus his work ethic and influence on work culture) although he falls asleep in meetings.

Another side of the story

Early last Sunday morning Mrs. B felt “weighed” to pray for our pastor. She did not know he would have to quit in the middle of his sermon and ask our associate pastor to step in and finish. She seems to know things before they happen because of her unusual walk with God, this is normal. Her trust in God is a Redwood Forest of trust compared to a normal forest. Seeds grown in the soil of pain and nurtured by walking with God.

Mrs. B had her doctor in tears because of her reaction last week to all the bad news about how bad her body is doing. She assured her doctor that she was really OK because in the big picture she knows where she is going and life here is but a blip on the screen of eternity. She has that glint in her eye that is physically real. I believe (totally unsubstantiated) God has given this couple a glint connected to eternity.

The hundreds letters of encouragement by Mrs. B to missionaries, scores of college students and others in the community that have needed prayer have waned over the years. The ability to host a small group in their home is probably gone. A silent unseen spiritual warrior gaining more strength in the heavenly realm as the physical slips away. Who does this? Actually, there are many stories, many silent lives strong in faith and weak in body. Mrs. B has been assured deep within her soul, by God; that she will someday have her body redeemed. Our Spina Bifida daughter is another and you may know someone like this. Should we not all have this faith and assurance in the depth of our being? Should we not all “Get a Glint”?

Romans 8:22-24 (NIV)

 22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? 

Now that’s something worth glinting for!


Mrs. B went home to be with her Jesus a couple days ago. In all her pain she finished well. Watching, I am without excuse. We all get a conclusion. Bye Deb… Bruce and I will see you at the gate. Final sunset, silent taps.

Biggest Show Ever

So, God the Father called the angels together and said ” Here’s what is going down tonight… you can make the announcement. You can make it the biggest show on earth.” One angel spoke up “who gets to be there”? The Father grinned, ” only the shepherds watching their flocks around the hills of Bethlehem. They will need directions and then they will tell everyone…and one more thing, don’t scare the sheep!”

 ”Grandpa…that’s not how it happened”

  Sigh…Kids now-days! No matter how good or bad life is at Christmas, know that God loves us, was willing to become one of us, All to do what it took to make a relationship with our creator possible and give us a restored life, here and forever. This is why I think God the Father said “Hey angels come here!” I personally think they enjoyed scaring the shepherds. And, yes, you theologians can be like the grand kids and correct me in the comments section.

 Have a Merry ChristmasGary

An eyewitness said later…”Now there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if every one should be written, I suppose not even the world itself to have space for the books to be written.(John 21:25)

Finding The Source

“I want what you and M have.”

He poked at the campfire ashes, revealing the live coals under layers of ash. “How symbolic” I thought.

“You guys are Christian. I’ve been thinking of converting to Christianity, but I don’t want church like my relatives. I don’t want to be like them. I want what you got.”

“What do we have?” I asked. “I don’t know, but I want it. I have to find it because that’s what I am missing. I know that it has to do with God and I know that you and M have it.”

A long talk ensued about the difference between having a relationship with God and being religious. One is becoming like God while the other is full of rhetoric and just believes strongly. One knows inner peace in the midst of chaos, a deep joy in the midst of sorrow as well as laughter, Love for more than those who are close (even one’s enemy), patience that grows with time, hope in and beyond this life, thankfulness and a heart for mankind and generations to come. Things that are not natural to our nature

God knows everything about us, down to the heart’s deepest motives, but He cannot have a relationship with us unless we have a relationship with Him. It takes two.

How can we explain, much less understand, a God who would become human to die in our place out of his immense love for restoring his creation into deep relationship again.

The opposite is often the truth. This world is a place where the deceiver would make honest liars of us all. Where good is bad, lovers are called haters and opinions trump reality.

He poked the stick at the ashes mounding over the glowing coals. He was done for now. “How symbolic” I thought.

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13)

Street sign obscured by snow…Yes, how symbolic!


Final Resolve

A message for Jesus followers.

I often remember a conversation between Todd and me. It was the last time I saw him 42 years ago. “Todd, will you ever have a relationship with Jesus?” Todd “No Gary. Even if God sends me to hell, I have learned that there is always a way out of everything.” Me “that’s not how it works.” Todd: “I don’t believe the bibles take on how I should live my life or what’s after that”

I woke up again, last night, before I died in my re-occurring nightmare (for many years now). The only resolve is to wake up, get up and stay up. Going back to bed will only allow it to return. It’s a resolve.

Everything about life is a type of resolve. In fact, there is always a resolve in the here and now. Hungry? eat. Thirsty? drink. Need money? get a job, a better job or hold up a “help me” sign. Tired? sleep. Music? full of resolves; usually each measure. Movies? always resolved unless there is sequel(s) to resolve. War? fight or escape. Terminal cancer? die. In this life we hope and look for resolve without thinking about it. Resolve or the hope of resolve is always there and always possible, somehow. Miracles do happen in this life; we experience them or at least hear about them. No matter what, we all die and some die twice…ask Lazarous.

I cannot imagine being trapped in my nightmare forever conscious with no escape, no waking up, no getting up, no time frame, no resolve or the relief of death. I cannot go there even for a few seconds as it’s too real, yet knowing hell would be worse than any nightmare I could have as I wake in my present existence. Hell has no resolve. None. No one will know you exist but you.

Eternity. The final resolve. I choose Jesus. I desperately want others to choose Jesus. If there were a stronger word than desperately, I would use it. In the context of my worst nightmare, I read Romans 8. It’s so good. It’s such a wonderful resolve for me. But, what about those who are born into and will be trapped in the little box of existence forever living out a worst nightmare as a final resolve? I cannot wish my worst nightmare on them much less what will happen to them without Jesus “knowing” them (referencing “I never knew you”).

I know how incapable I am of helping someone waking from their worst forever nightmare. All I ask is we pray for God to move us, work through us and allow God’s love and light to shine brightly through us. This means we are becoming lambs without spot or blemish. Time may be short, Final resolve near.


Nature in Hallelujah Mode

Click to enlarge and forward

Oh that we could all stop and enjoy the depths of Gods creativity and the ends to which nature declares the glory of their creator. I thought I heard my camera say “wow”. So I said “My thoughts exactly!”

The leaves whisper, the trees shout, nature happy dances until raindrops ride leaves to the ground and autumn shuffles off the stage

“Let everything that has breath, Praise the Lord.


Many of my photos can be downloaded free from unsplash@Garyfultz

Another Reason

As if we need another reason to stand in awe of God’s creativity. This moth is mesmerizing.

Out of the hundred different kinds of hummingbird moths, this is the “White-lined sphinx” moth (according to my brother who looked it up).

While attempting to photograph this late summer moth on our back deck, I discovered this very unique insect can move from flower to flower very fast, zip around corners and instantly hover as well as any hummingbird I have seen. Its face resembles an owl and it’s straw like limber tongue for sipping nectar is very long but can be retracted. In one picture it looks like its tongue is wrapped around his wing (it’s not)…that would hurt.

Click on any picture to enlarge.

And, yes, the purple petunias are amazing as well.

Those who have walked with God deeply tell us that creation in comparison is a small drop of water should God be like the oceans. Our finite minds need a reference point as an infinite God doesn’t compare to anything finite. So, here I am, thanking God and sharing a few mesmerizing moments.
