Finding The Source

“I want what you and M have.”

He poked at the campfire ashes, revealing the live coals under layers of ash. “How symbolic” I thought.

“You guys are Christian. I’ve been thinking of converting to Christianity, but I don’t want church like my relatives. I don’t want to be like them. I want what you got.”

“What do we have?” I asked. “I don’t know, but I want it. I have to find it because that’s what I am missing. I know that it has to do with God and I know that you and M have it.”

A long talk ensued about the difference between having a relationship with God and being religious. One is becoming like God while the other is full of rhetoric and just believes strongly. One knows inner peace in the midst of chaos, a deep joy in the midst of sorrow as well as laughter, Love for more than those who are close (even one’s enemy), patience that grows with time, hope in and beyond this life, thankfulness and a heart for mankind and generations to come. Things that are not natural to our nature

God knows everything about us, down to the heart’s deepest motives, but He cannot have a relationship with us unless we have a relationship with Him. It takes two.

How can we explain, much less understand, a God who would become human to die in our place out of his immense love for restoring his creation into deep relationship again.

The opposite is often the truth. This world is a place where the deceiver would make honest liars of us all. Where good is bad, lovers are called haters and opinions trump reality.

He poked the stick at the ashes mounding over the glowing coals. He was done for now. “How symbolic” I thought.

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13)

Street sign obscured by snow…Yes, how symbolic!


16 thoughts on “Finding The Source

  1. Gary, in my opinion – seeing and knowing people who have Christian faith and joy in their daily lives and radiate that just by living – is the best testament, witnessing and preaching that can be done. Apparently, you are one of those people.

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    1. I hope so Betty. Words only go so far (less and less it seems). Peace and/or joy in the midst of turmoil in a person’s life is quite an attractive side effect (fruit) from one’s closeness to God.

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  2. Good one, Gary. A home run in a nutshell. How can one explain the deeper relationship with God to one who is still only lingering in the open gate? I especially like the symbolism of poking at the fire.

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  3. Gary, our ladies’ group has been studying the Sermon on the Mount. This week we were just talking about the last couple of verses in Matthew 5 and asking the question, “What makes us different from the ‘nice’ non-believers? Is there something in our lives that can only be explained by God’s Spirit living in us?” I guess your friend made that a resounding “YES” for you and “M.” 😊👍

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    1. I have seen it several times throughout life, I remember asking a teen (while pouring him a lemonade after the meeting) what made him want to check out our small group for teens. I had 3 leadership kids (in training) who had invited 7 others and sharing became quite deep. I still remember his answer ” I came because I want what mitch has got, and I’m quite sure it has to do with God”. I immediately said “is it ok if Mitch tells you about God? “sure” he said. I called Mitch over and he took it from there. Mitch was a new believer in the last year himself…

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  4. Your story made me think of how the Bible says “No one comes to God unless the Holy Spirit draws them.” Clearly, the Lord convicted your friend of his need for what “Gary and M have.” It also helped that what you and M have is genuine faith in Christ. Gary, your posts often have me scratching my head and holding my heart at the same time. 😇

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    1. Thanks David. Hope you don’t scratch too hard, LOL.
      I keep the Holy Spirit drawing people to Christ in mind almost always. It allows me some comfort that I won’t blow it for someone else when I get into situations like this.
      Even as a teenager I reasoned that if the God of all creation lives inside one who calls themselves a “believer”, There has got to be some stark differences from those who do not have God’s indwelt Spirit.

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      1. Hadn’t thought of it before, but you must be right, Gary. How can the all-knowing, all-wise, all-powerful God of the universe live within us and NOT create a stark difference from those who do not have God’s indwelt Spirit? What a privilege!! What a responsibility.

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  5. I love the quote you placed here from Jeremiah. It really says it all. God is always there for us. We must open our hearts to God at all times, regardless of the circumstances. We ‘fall’ into God’s arms again and again. He catches us every time.

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    1. So very true. If I were Satan (who is the god of this world), I would attempt to dissolve the idea of relationship in every aspect of life. Parent-child, husband-wife, friendly neighbors and so on….Hmmm

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