Sharing OK

Malcolm shared a powerful concept on being ok. I had a flash-back triggered that was powerful in my life, so I shared it briefly in the comments section. It’s very much worth the read and you may want to share something as well…I’m passing along a good one (Malcolm’s Post)

One of my OK summer settings. A lake edge nearby full of Showy Lady Slippers. Over a thousand of them spread out in bunches. This orchid is the Minnesota State Flower.


9 thoughts on “Sharing OK

  1. I’m glad you shared Malcom’s post, Gary. It was worth the read. I have officially found another blog to follow! It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to say that. Malcom’s thoughts remind me of how Jesus said to take no thought for tomorrow; each day has enough trouble if it’s own.

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  2. Thanks David. Malcolm is a good thinker on todays issues in real life time, stories…not theory stuff. Very biblical based thinking mixed with everyday compassion Jesus style. Those who ask “can anything good come from the UK? yes…as you know there are several good bloggers from there including Malcolm, Berry Bunch and another David…etc

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  3. I love all the various ways God tells us it’s okay. We just have to be open to hearing it, because this oftentimes occurs in the most unexpected ways.

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