Dad, I See You Put Your Life Into Words

Each Day With God

By Doyle Fultz

When in the early morn awake, slumber from your eyelids shake.

Hasten to thy closet fare, Begin the day in humble prayer.

Thank Him for the day at hand, and the sun so bright and grand.

Ask for care through early hour, And for strength and serving power.

The morning hours have passed so soon, now the sun is high at noon.

Hasten to thy closet fare, Sustain the day in earnest prayer.

Thank Him for His care and power, and the peace of early hour.

Ask Him for sufficient grace, to end the day at normal pace.

Oh, the day has passed so fast, as darkness spreads its hovering cast.

Hasten to thy closet fare, End the day with grateful prayer.

Oh, the days they come and go, Peace and war with friend and foe.

But the one who hastens fare, to his closet in petitioning prayer.

Is the one who stands abreast, and wins the victory of trial and test?

Life is one big cross to bear, Bear it strong-in fervent prayer.

I found this poem in dads things. It’s time (after a couple years) to share the thoughts of a man of God trying to grow through all life’s struggles. I still hear his voice sometimes and I turn around in the old shop to ask him where he put….???

This is how I remember my father. I have spent much of my life on my own journey, yet, experiencing the presence, power and sometimes the absence (feeling) of an ever present God who enjoys and rewards one drawing near.

Standing on the promises here in the woods Dad…bye for now. I’ll be along in a while.


28 thoughts on “Dad, I See You Put Your Life Into Words

    1. Thank you Crissy. Now I sit where dad used to with a view out the picture window.
      I have my journal, prayer notebook and bible. There is still space on the little end table for a coffee cup. The camera is close by for the deer, bear, birds and morning sky colors.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Your dad’s poem shares a realistic view of what a life time spent walking with God is truly about. Most of us are not brought to heaven on “flowery beds of ease.” The power of fervent prayer is much needed. Frankly, folks who say they have following Christ totally figured out puzzle me. 🎶I need thee every hour🎶 Thank you for sharing this, Gary. Like Bette said, it’s a gem. And she would know.

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    1. It is realistic David. Dad worked hard at life on all fronts. He pled with God on family and church issues and begged for wisdom as a leader. He was an educator (teacher, coach, counselor and coach). many battles fought and worship given to his dying days from that chair.

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  2. Thanks Bruce. Someone once asked dad what his secret to a good marriage and raising 7 kids successfully was. Dad pointed at his chair and bible beside it and said “every morning it starts right there”

    Liked by 4 people

      1. I do Brian. It is of utmost importance that I have had our children run alongside many many miles first. Second: I have been entrusted to pass it on and not fumble the baton’s given me as they have their own path to run. Third: To be a part of their support system. They know they have a sustenance station when needed. Dad and mom were that for their children as well as their neighbors and spiritual community


    1. Somewhat rare in his lineage Robert. He didn’t get to have that himself. Many of my cousins did not as well. It’s also not a surety with the following generation but it sure helps. The ripple effects of a Godly life have gone to distant shores. We (7 children) are so thankful.

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  3. There is a strong resemblance between Doyle Fultz and Gary Fultz both in their way of sharing wisdom through written words and their love of Jesus. Thank you for sharing one of your father’s poems with us Gary! One of I’m sure many treasures your father has left you.

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  4. What an incredible treasure you have in the words of a father who clearly loved God. It made me teary-eyed to think about how special this is and how the words he left behind truly made a difference.

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    1. I agree Stephanie. I also think others see this more than I do. Growing up, our friends would often say very strange things like “I wish I had a dad (or mom) like yours”
      At the time it was a puzzling thing to hear. Now, a lifetime later we know.

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  5. What a treasure–a father/teacher/coach/grandfather so steeped in prayer. If we could see the ripple effect from his life it would surely reach incredibly wide. Thank you so much for sharing his heartfelt poem, Gary. (We now know–at least in part– where your gift for writing comes from!)

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