Running with the Steers

I got run over by a 800 lb steer this Monday (it’s true). Not as glamorous a story as Grandma and the reindeer but this steer was 5 times as big as any reindeer. I’m quite sure no song will come of it either. I’m OK, thanks for asking. The hooves missed me after a good head butt to knock me down.

Ya, not wise

I had agreed to drive two hours to bring a steer to market for a brother. Just drive the rig, back up the trailer and let the steer out into the chute. Two experienced professionals took it from there. I was an innocent bystander at the end of the closed gate until the big steer with quite an attitude (yes, I distinctly remember smoke coming out his nostrils) charged at one of the attendants, hit the side of the chute and made an opening at the end of the gate (of course). The steer saw the opening, lowered his head and charged through the opening, tossing me forward into a half gainer, akin to a belly flop off the diving board onto the driveway. Then he ran over me.. Thankfully no hooves mashed me. I’m f.f.f.fine.

My body is sore in places where I didn’t even know I had them places. Some odd memories are coming to me that may have been a nano-second long but the telling may take a few minutes longer. One memory was very strange as I was flying through the air and yet the beast was upon me-pushing me down to the ground with it’s chest. The thought racing inside my skull in circles over and over was “I’m never traveling to Pamplona to run with the bulls”.

I’m ashamed. I should have been praying or something. I could have been asking God to watch over my wife and kids after my trampling, but nooo…I’m judging a certain class of risk-takers to be blooming idiots while it’s me landing on my head. Yes, it’s me, landing on my ego and that was trampled.

We have all been there. life’s sunsets mean a new day will come

Some changes have taken place. mostly in my heart and mind. living, dying, accidents or just an odd happening can happen instantly. The last couple of days I’ve been shying away from parts of my morning prayer, mostly where I pray “well Lord, what do you have for me today?” I am very open to praying differently if you have other ideas.

I’ve also tackled a couple of difficult conversations that were overdue. Why wait? What’s the worst that could happen? Okay, I’m not ready to answer that till I gear up (you know…helmet of salvation, sword of the Spirit etc)


(Added this morning): thanks Homer for your prayer idea in the comments section.

25 thoughts on “Running with the Steers

  1. Sorry to hear about the mishap Gary but you definitely had me smiling with your attitude. We’ve all been there, no need to pray about that and the next thing you know . . . Definitely keeps one mindful of our own vulnerability. Fortunately your humour bone wasn’t affected! Funny how our perspective can change in a nanosecond. Hope you mend quickly and thank you for helping me start this day with a smile. You are loved! Blessings brother!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s always funnier for those who watch versus those to whom it is happening to. I broke my leg about five years ago and my buddies thought it was a hoot. Me . . . not so much. It just tells us that you are human like the rest of us. Thank you for sharing. More blessings!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Interesting story Gary. No bull, just the straight truth. I see God steering you in a new direction through this.

    I love how our Father sometimes has to use the most obvious imagery to get our attention. He certainly got your attention while that beast was hoofing it across your body.

    As far as prayer suggestions go, I do have one. It is dangerous though. I wouldn’t pray it unless you are willing to have the equivalent experience in the spirit happen to you though. If you find yourself brave enough to try, here it is.

    “Dear Father, Please give Jesus the desires of His heart in my life today. Amen.”

    Short, simple and devastatingly effective. If you pray this, seriously and in earnest, I guarantee you will not be the same afterwards.


    Liked by 5 people

    1. Love your humor Homer, it’s over the fence.
      I seriously pray that prayer. It has cost me and blessed me and I know there will be tremendous cost ahead. So, we gear up for spiritual battle before hitting the button on that prayer. God has moved us here and we seem to be in a prelude to a storm unsure of our part. My wife and I would have it no other way. Life is too short to spend years in the desert or allow the locusts to eat away.

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      1. We can surely relate Gary. Jewish new year on Friday and the old year, with all of it’s shaking will be over. The new year will be one starting a decade of consequence for the choices we have made this year (and past years). This is why the storm is looming. He has moved His own to the proper places (we have yet to be transitioned) and from there they will flourish. Just as we, who follow Jesus in earnest, will see a greater dawning of Light, those who have chosen darkness will also flourish. Unfortunately. The battles ahead will not be pretty, ergo the approaching tempest. Press in to God as you have been. All will be well. We can thank our Lord that we will not only be sustained, but will certainly flourish. Our hearts and prayers are with you and your bride!

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  3. Me too Craig, Before the adrenaline wore off I think I sat in the truck and prayed out loud…”Well Lord, what was that?” now I’m thinking he had something in mind. God can get a lot of mileage in our lives out of our bungling mishaps.


  4. Oh my gosh!!! I was reading this waiting for the punch line that it was a dream or something. Praise God you are okay! But what a story to tell!

    I try to change things up with my daily prayers. Ideas such as “Whose life do you want me to touch today?” “What can I surrender to you today?” “How can I best serve you this day?”

    It takes courage to face those difficult conversations. I give you kudos for doing what’s easier to ignore.


  5. Ya, I wish there was a punch line (it was a dream). Those are good prayers to open one’s days with Stephanie….I keep finding myself asking “If I pray this prayer, How dangerous could it be? Conversations, even hard one’s seem to be a gift I have been saddled with. “My Christian white elephant gift” is how I have treated it.


    1. Well Anna, the jury is still out on whether I am still here or not. Meanwhile, I’m getting texts and messages with pictures that say “what if you find out your purpose in life is to be an example to others of what not to do”

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