Manning Up Gods Way

My grand daughters is not afraid of snakes…we should take lessons

It started in the Garden of Eden. We can blame the snake but our motives, words and actions loudly shout to the rest of the world if we are truly followers of Jesus. The problem is that much of the world seems confused over what following Jesus looks like including His followers. I include myself here.

I was minding my own business, I thought, attempting to sing some new song along with the worship band in church “He is Lord” Umm…let’s talk about that.

    I physically trembled, tears came and I quit singing as random everyday life s

Subjects flittered (in a millisecond it seemed) through my mind. Three words in the middle of the song and I came undone. My “Christian” friends are typical people.

    Driving: A highway Patrol friend saying “sooner or later everyone in the church will be a customer, and they all have an excuse”. There is something wrong here! Don’t they know obedience? (Romans 13:1)

    Work: An employee friend telling me he would do an extra job but not for me or the company but for himself only. This is his common unhappy response. I watch “Christian” people subtly steal time, talent and resource from the company. Don’t they know they are working for Jesus? (Colossians 3:23)

    Marriage: A friend saying to me “I’m not happy, it’s my wife’s fault. All she does is play computer games and Facebook”. Sorry guy but take the lead, she is waiting for you to Love her in your retirement (Ephesians 5:28-33)

    Prayer: All the times I have heard “it’s too personal”. Wow, what a privilege to have an audience with God, you know the author of the universe who invites us into a most intimate relationship that we were created to have. (Philippians 4:6-7)

    Scripture Reading: “I’m too busy”, “I don’t get into reading”, “I listen to Christian music”, and “I figure the pastor will tell me what I need to know”. OK, can I interpret that as “I’m too busy and important to read instructions from the King of the universe about whom I am, who and whose I should be and how I should handle life.(Hebrews 11:6)

A myriad of thoughts flew by but one remained to become a prayer, I suspect the Holy Spirit got my attention; “God help us all. We need revival in this land”.

When He is Lord: If my people who are called by my name shall… (Can you complete the sentence?). “If I be lifted up from the earth I will draw… (Look this one up if you do not know what Jesus said).

Action: Start by looking up all the “one another” passages. This is only a start of how we should think and act as followers of Jesus.

We are on 24/7 full display by the way (Hebrews 12:1-2) There are witnesses.

Gary D

4 thoughts on “Manning Up Gods Way

  1. I have tried many times to find a devotional for hubby. Something a guy can read over breakfast. So many lack personalization. It is always about other people, and the writter refecting on those persons trials, never their own refections. I like where you are headed with your writting!


    1. Thanks Denise, I hope to stay personal, honest, and true to the direction and depth Jesus would point us. Maybe being older gives more personal stories and struggles from which to draw.


  2. Yes it does Anna. I’m afraid we as proclaiming to be Christ followers and imitators are not easily humbled. I haven’t blogged in quite some time, not for lack of things to say as much as making sure I have story proof of living it first. When I feel nudged by the Lord and I have listened and obeyed well I’m thinking.

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